Plastik poşetler, yumurta viyolü ithal etmek istiyor

Sosyal Paylaşım:

Plastik torbalar, yumurta viyolü ithal etmek istiyoruz
Looking for manufacturers of plastic egg trays and plastic bags both flat and with handles.

Barbados’ta ada geneline sarf malzemeler veren bir firma Türkiye’den plastik poşetler, torbalar, plastik yumurta viyolü vb ürünler ithal etmek istemektedir.
Looking for manufacturers of plastic egg trays and plastic bags both flat and with handles.
XXXXXX Trading Co. Ltd is a family owned establishment opened in June 1983. The company has grown to be a leading source for quality packaged brands of food items, disposable food service products, hygiene solutions and packaging supplies. We are known island-wide and supply supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, food vendors and many other business sectors.