Her türlü elektrikli ev gereçleri ithal etmek istiyor

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Her türlü elektrikli ev gereçleri ithal etmek istiyoruz
We have found your company in the website and we are an medium size import company that is dealing with all home appliances in wholesale and retail.
Bolivyalı firma her türlü elektrikli ev gereçleri ithal etmek ve bayilikler almak istiyor.
Dear Sir,
We have found your company in the website and we are an medium size import company that is dealing with all home appliances in wholesale and retail.
We are very interested in importing your products and wish to get full information on how to became one of you representative in Bolivia, please send us prices and catalogues of the products we could import.
what we are looking for is the following items.
Cooking Stoves
Food processors