Asma yaprağı ithal etmek istiyor

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Asma yaprağı ithal etmek istiyoruz
We are looking to buy at least one truck with – vine leaves,

Bulgaristan’da yemeklik soslar konusunda üretim ve pazarlama faaliyetleri olan bir firma kamyon bazında asma yaprağı ithal etmek istemektedir.
Our company is situated in Bulgaria, Rakovski Industrial Zone
is entirely focused on the food industry since the time of its establishment.
we are one of the main producers of ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, vine leaves, sterilized mushrooms etc. in Bulgaria.
Now we are looking to buy at least one truck with – vine leaves,
I saw details about your company in internet and I saw that you are selling vine leaves
i decided to write You an e-mail.
I will be glad if you contact and explain me what kind of vine leaves do you sell,
in what kind of packaging, the sizes of the packiging.