İran, Endüstriyel radyografi filmleri alım talebi

Sosyal Paylaşım:

Endüstriyel radyografi filmleri ithal etmek istiyoruz.
We are in need of the films for radiography.

İranlı bir endüstriyel inceleme, analiz ve raporlama hizmetleri sağlayıcısı firma, radyografi filmleri ithal etmek istemektedir.
At first we introduce company, then I say application, I am contacting you from Iran.
We started our operations in 1979 (companies with industrial radiography),
XXXXXX was active in the field of inspection and industrial radiography,
Such as material accessories and film.
Regarding the sample of contracts, certificates and letters of appreciation attachment has been sent.
Because of the sanctions, we used Kodak.
We are a seller of the films radiography of NDT company in Iran.
We can buy directly from you because the sanctions have been lifted and there is no need to transfer the money.
At first we would like to invite you to Tehran if you do not agree with us, you can send a letter of invitation for us ,
We can meet face to face with you.