Ambulances 4WD and 2WD offer Requested by Japanese Company

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Japonya merkezli bir danışman firma Japonya devletinin yardım projeleri kapsamında ele alınan Tacikistan’ın ihtiyacı olan ambulanslar için fiyat teklifleri talep etmektedir.
Ambulances 4WD and 2WD offer requested by Japanese company
Dear sir
**** International Ltd. , our company is a consultant for Medical equipment for the project of National Medical Compound of Tajikistan Shifobakhsh and Ambulances, Japan ’s Grant Aid Project in Republic of Tajikistan.
Now that, we will plan Ambulances to provide Tajikistan, could you please inform us your available vehicle? We request all Japanese manufacturer, all type (SUV, Van, Truck)
As example Our request type is
1. 4WD, Japanese manufacturer, Left handle.
2. 2WD, Japanese manufacturer, Left handle.
Target models
SUV is Toyota Land cruiser (LC70-100), Nissan Patrol Mitsubishi Pajero
Van is Toyota HIACE, Nissan Urvan, etc
Truck is Isuzu Elf etc
We are especially looking for truck type ambulance which is 2WD and 4WD can be used both for patient transport in emergency situation, and also mini mobile health clinic in remote areas.
We greatly appreciate if you could give us quotation according to conditions mentioned below, and We would like you to send quotations and specification sheets by e-mail no later than Sep 10th, 2018.
I look forward to hearing your comments, your prompt correction is highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully