Industrial Electronics Enclosures Components Required in Saudi Arabia

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Suudi Arabistan merkezli büyük bir müteahhit ve emlakçılık yapan şirket Filistin’de yeni faaliyete geçirdikleri birimleri için her çeşit endüstriyel elektrik ve elektronik sarf malzemeler, bileşenler, trafolar, jeneratörler, güç kaynakları, panolar vb konularında Türk tedarikçilerden teklifler beklemektedir.
Industrial electronics enclosures components required in Saudi Arabia
I’m Ammar from ****Group in Saudi Arabia and we establish new branch in West Bank Palestian and we search about supplier for electronic enclosures and packages for the electronics,
electricity, electricity and electronics, electrical wiring materials, lighting, cables, cable, wire, wires, transformers, transformer, industrial electricity, industrial electronics, electricity distribution systems, electric distribution system, generator, generators, uninterruptible power supply, installation, electrical installation.
****real estate is leading and pioneer establishment based in Damam, working in the field of construction, development, marketing of land and real estate. We execute buildings, architecture projects etc
If you interest pls reply to me
Best Regards