Havlu almak istiyor

Sosyal Paylaşım:

Havlu almak istiyor
We need the supplier of towels in Turkey
Kazakistanlı bir promosyon ve hediyelik eşya satıcı firma Türkiye’den havlu tedarikçisi firmalarla görüşmek istemektedir.
We are de­velo­ping its ac­ti­vity on the mar­ket of ad­verti­sing gifts. Du­ring this ti­me-pe­ri­od we ha­ve ac­qui­red the re­puta­ti­on of re­li­ab­le and stab­le part­ner among our cli­ents.
Be­sides this we are be­ing mem­bers of In­terna­ti­onal Pre­sent Ser­vi­ce Ins­ti­tute-PSI, dist­ri­butors of Ita­li­an Ma­nufac­tu­rers of pens — Lec­ce­Pen.
We try to of­fer eve­ryt­hing that co­ver seg­ments of ad­verti­sing so­uve­nirs and glad to of­fer eve­ry mo­dern pos­si­bili­ti­es of ad­verti­sement in this area.
Our pro­ducts are va­ri­ous so­uve­nirs, gifts for pro­mo-ac­ti­ons, ad­verti­sement, con­fe­ren­ces and bu­siness se­minars as well as per­so­nal pre­sents, gifts which pri­ces va­ry from unex­pensi­ve till mo­dera­te ra­te.
We can per­form non-stan­dard pro­jects (and ma­ke them pro­fes­si­onal­ly) ma­de of sto­ne, me­tal, plas­tic, le­at­her etc ac­cording to the will of the cus­to­mer.
In our si­te you can find an in­forma­ti­on of go­ods that we usu­al­ly ha­ve in your wa­reho­use. But it not evert­hing we can of­fer. Ple­ase call, in­qui­re you are in­te­res­ted in and we will try to help you by of­fe­ring samp­les, ca­talo­gu­es of supp­li­ers from Euro­pe, Tur­key and Chi­na.
We need the supplier of towels in Turkey